Download tecnici BOARDS

Certificati / Resoconti delle prove BOARDS
Appendix to EPD
EPD Chipboard raw and coated
Certificate Veneered Board P2 CA thickness >6-13mm
Certificate Veneered Board P2 CA thickness>13-20mm
Certificate Veneered Board P2 CA thickness>20-25mm
Certificate Decor Board P2 CA, thickness >6-13mm
Certificate Veneered Board P2 CA thickness>25-32mm
Certificate Decor Board P2 CA, thickness >13-20mm
Certificate Decor Board P2 CA, thickness >20-25mm
Certificate Decor Board P2 CA, thickness >25-32mm
Certificate Veneered MDF CA thickness > 12 - 19 mm
Certificate MDF thickness > 12 - 19 mm
Certificate CPL thickness 0,4 - 1,4 mm
Certificate Worktop thickness 25 - 32 mm
Certificate Worktop thickness 32 - 40 mm
Formaldehyde emission Veneered Board P2 CA
Formaldehyde emission Decor Board P2 CA
Formaldehyde emission Bonded Board P2 CA
Formaldehyde emission Decor Board P3 F***
Formaldeyde emission veneered MDF Board CA
Formaldehyde emission MDF CA
Formaldehyde emission decor MDF CA
Determination antibacterial properties of surfaces
Certificate of Conformity for foodstuffs
Certificate of PEFC
Certificate of FSC®
Autocertificazioni su materiali e composti
Schede di prodotti BOARDS
Datasheet piani di lavoro
Datasheet piani di lavoro con bordo ABS
Datasheet ABS bordo
Datasheet CDF Pannelli decorativi
Datasheet decor MDF CA
Datasheet MDF CA
Datasheet chip P2 F****
Datasheet decor chipboard P2 E1/CA
Datasheet pannelli decorativi chip P3 F***/Option1
Datasheet wood veneerd board
Datasheet wood veneerd board Charismo
Datasheet wood veneerd board Fumako
Data sheet splashback
Datenblatt Optiboard
Datasheet laminato stratificato optimatt
Datasheet Optifaced MDF E1/CA
Datasheet Pannelli in laminato stratificato
Datasheet composite panel
Datasheet ROCKO
Prospetti informativi BOARDS
End use condition of fire retardant products
Reaction to fire of Kaindl wood based panels
Cleaning of synthetic surfaces
Info sheet protective film
Cutting tools for processing CFD boards
Cutting tools for processing MF boards
Processing Notes wood veneers
(in inglese)
Processing notes melamine faced wood-based boards
Processing recommendation Optimatt/Optiboard
Cleaning & maintaining Kaindl Optiboards/Optimatt
Disinfection Surface Systems