Matching to every Kaindl worktop-decor

The ideal niche backsplash in the kitchen
Whether it's the same decor or a deliberate contrast, a niche backsplash in the kitchen is visually appealing, especially in comparison to tiled back walls or glazing. Kitchen back walls bring some practical advantages:
- They are easy to install
- Durable and abrasion resistant
- Easy to clean

Frequently asked questions & answers
In which format are Kaindl niche back walls available?
Kaindl niche back walls are available in the following format:
- Length: 4100mm
- Width: 640mm
- Thickness: 15mm
For which applications are Kaindl niche back walls suitable?
Kaindl niche backs are suitable for all vertical applications in dry interior areas - for example in kitchens.
What should you pay attention to when caring for niche back walls?
Kaindl niche rear walls are extremely durable, hygienic and easy to clean. All standard household cleaners can be used for cleaning - but never abrasive cleaners. For daily care, it is sufficient to clean Kaindl niche back walls with a damp cloth. Stubborn stains such as paint, glue, nail polish or oil can be removed with acetone, vinegar essence, nail polish remover and universal thinners. In any case, use these agents sparingly, carefully and only in the soiled area. Finally, do not leave them on for a long time. Always wipe away water (moisture) in the joint area.
How should niche back walls be stored before processing?
The niche back panel should always be stored fully flat and horizontally. The air temperature in the storage room should be 18-22°C, and the relative humidity should be 50-60%. See also standard CEN/TS 12872:2006.